Making the Perfect Short Film

 I have never made a short film before. So, I thought it would be adequate to do some research on how to make the perfect short film. I'm sure some pro's wish there were some things they could go back and do to their first films, so why not research to get a head start. I'm going to list 7 tips for me, on how to make the perfect short film.

        1) The shorter the better.

This tip says to keep it simple. They write that it is easier to produce and more time-efficient. Don't add extra stuff that doesn't seem needed. Just Show what has to be shown.

        2) Make it Visual

The film is about expressing a story through pictures. Create visual backstories for the characters. Give the audience something nice to look at and interpret. 

        3) Find moments

A short film usually is telling the story of a moment. By doing this, you create tension for an audience. Make them sit at the edge of their seats waiting to find what will happen next.

        4) Engage the audience

Don't hesitate to grab the audience's attention from the jump. Get them involved fast so they are connected to the story.


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