While looking over our film, we noticed some stuttering in the dialogue between the characters. So, we went ahead and refilmed the opening scene and Elle's argument between her and her mom. Since these are the more dialogue-based scenes, we had some difficulty nailing lines. First, we went back and rehearsed. Simply just sitting and repeating lines to each other. We found it is so hard to not giggle! After a few tries of that, and when we thought we had mastered the lines themselves, we went to go practice on the scene. We started with the scene at home. We practice the lines again with my mom, who was acting as Elle's mom in the scene. After a few shots, it seemed as if we got the perfect shot. We noticed we were able to get the scene to flow more and get some more drama out of it. Then we went to film the opening scene. Alex and I practiced for a little while before. Because of our practice, we actually were able to finish the refilling of the opening scene quite quickly. ...