Research 9, the feature film

     The film, though seeming more innocent due to the animation, actually is very dark. The setting is dark and barren, and the characters in the film are spooky and dark. There are many deaths in the film which relate to the themes of death and isolation. There are few moments of happiness and laughter. The film consists of no humans. Instead, it seems to be a post apocalyptic world with the character being "rag dolls". The monsters are also similar, but there is more of a machine like aspect to them.  The rag dolls have no names, but are instead labeled 1-9 on their backs. The main character is 9. 

    The plot starts with 9 waking up in a room with no recollection for where he came from. He ventures out into the city, meeting the number 2. Quickly though, their meeting is cut short by a monster coming and taking 2 away. 9 passes out, only to wake up in a shelter where other dolls have taken to hiding. The crew makes a mission to try to go save number 2, while trying to avoid the monsters. During this, elements of their origin are revealed. Being that they were created by a scientist, and made with specific elements that relate to their personality. As well as backstories on the society as a whole. Some showing humans revolting against the monsters.

    The film had dialogue between characters to move along the scenes. The colors were monotone, and warm. These elements allow the audience to grasp the isolated and barren mood. The directors were also able to create suspense with these elements.


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