Genre Research - (Thriller, Horror, and Drama)

The following will be research on some important questions about the thriller genre:

a) Some common camera, shots, and angles within the thriller genre are the following: high angle, close up, low angles, canted angles, handheld shots, over the shoulder shots, and zooms. All of these shots can be manipulated to create suspense and mystery for the audience. All of these shots tamper with how the audience will perceive the film. b) Sounds within the genre are used to build the tension of events for the audience. Some of these sounds would be music that goes from a slow tempo to a high tempo while the climax builds. As well as dark and eerie low noises.

c) In the thriller genre, costumes would be average, plain clothes. Most likely on the darker side. The lighting would be dark, with flashes of light to keep the audience engaged. There would be high amounts of action going on so that the climax can be suspenseful. Makeup and hair would also be plain. The setting out most likely be in a city or town of not much importance.

d) Some editing in thriller movies would be eyeliner match, action matches, and fast-paced. It allows the audience to be waiting for more.

e) Film Examples: "The Silence of the Lambs", "Nerve", and "The Split"

f) I like how the film would be interesting for the audience, and it would be an interesting way to shoot the film.

g) I don't like how some of the darker elements of the film may not be focused on.

The following will be research on some important questions about the Horror genre:
a) Some camera, shots, and angles in this genre would be high angle, low angle, canted angle, close-ups, medium-long shots, point of view. All of these shots are needed to be able to scare the audience. Variance is these shots and angles are important in order to keep the audience uncomfortable. Also dark, and spooky colors are needed to create the ambiance.

b) The sounds in horror movies are typically mostly quiet with certain instances of loudness. Suspenseful music definitely occurs during high points of the plot. 

c) In the horror genre, costumes worn by characters and plain and dark. The lighting also is dark, with more cool tones over warm tones. The actions usually occur spontaneously. Hair is usually slightly messy, with the makeup being darker. The setting is usually some where overgrown and spooky.

d) Horror movies usually have slow-paced, long takes, jump cuts, shot/reverse shots. This creates that jumpy effect to scare the audience.

e) Film Examples: "The Exorcist", "Scream", and "IT"

f) I like how the film would be dark and eerie.

g) I don't like how the film may be hard to film with the resources we have.
The following will be research on some important questions about the drama genre:
a) Camera angles for this drama will be different since interactions between characters are important. This will mean any two or three shots, medium shots, high angle shots, birds-eye view shots, and pans. These movies will have more colors to create a dramatic effect.

b) Common sounds in this genre would be a dialogue between characters, as well as dramatic music between striking events. This allows the drama to build between scenes. 

c) In drama films, costumes worn can be bolder to shows the character's personality. The lighting is at a medium to a darker exposure. The makeup and hair can be more expressive. The setting is usually a nice city or town, but it can also be quite broad.

d) Dramas usually have cutting, eyeliner match, crosscutting, and jump cuts. These allow for the plot to be understood by the audience.

e) Film Examples: "A Star is Born", "Gone Girl", "Black Swan"

f) I like how the film would be dramatic and interesting

g) I don't like how the film won't be as serious on the plot.


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